Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a significant problem in Somaliland and around the world. They are easily spread and difficult to treat resulting in a rapid growth in the number of bed bug outbreaks. The key to beating this problem is to raise awareness of what to look for and to ensure bed bugs are dealt with quickly once discovered.

Signs of Infestations

With the increase in the number of international travelers, people moving more frequently, overcrowded living conditions and the lack of effective insecticides, the number of bed bug infestations have increased significantly. Although their mobility is restricted to crawling they will infest adjacent rooms or neighboring buildings. There are two species of bed bugs in Australia Climax lectularius (Common bed bug) & Cimex hemipters (Tropical bed bug).

Signs of Infestations

  • Dark/black stains – on the mattress and surrounding area from bed bug excreta.
  • Small dark spots – Small dark blood spots on bedding known as ‘faecal pellets’.
  • Live insects – despite being small (adults are only 4-5mm long) it’s possible to spot live bed bugs and shed skins.
  • Blood spots – on the sheets or mattress.
Worried about bed bugs? Call Horn Guard Pest Management fora free inspection. Our pest control expert will schedule an inspection toassess your problem and recommend an effective solution for your concerns.

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